I always watch porn of men eating their own cum. I think it’s so incredibly sexy. I’m attracted to strong, confident men and they’re the type who eat their own cum.
I’ve dated men who aren’t into cum eating and as a nurse, I tell them the health benefits. Why do you think my skin is always glowing? Let’s just say, if they’re not willing to try at least, we won’t be together very long.
With me being a nurse, nothing grosses me out, so eating your own cum is very mild. When I jerk off some of my patients at the hospital, I squeeze every last ounce of cum into a little cup and make them drink it. Some are willing and some are not. The not so willing ones, I take the cup and I take a sip. Some need a little guidance. They always end up listening to me because I can make their visit a living nightmare.
Always follow the nurses orders, and have a taste of your own medicine.
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