I rent a condo on the Gulf in Florida with two girlfriends. The location is perfect. Top floor, fantastic view. Rent is expensive, but when divided by three, affordable. One of my roommates is moving back to Miami with her boyfriend, so we are looking for a new roomie. So many girls want to live here. We want to make sure that the new girl will be a good fit for us. She needs to be wild, fun, sexy, and ready to join in the party at a moment’s notice.
Since there are so many girls that are interested in living here with us, there should be a contest. Let’s have all the interested candidates here for a party. The winner gets to take over the empty bedroom and live in one the best condos on the beach, with two hot girls and lots of hot guys around us. Since you enjoy hanging out here, why don’t you help be a judge? Always good to get a guy’s opinion.
The girl has got to be hot. She must be flirty and fun. She needs to understand that we have parties here, and we have sex on the balcony. No conservative girls will be seriously considered. The last thing that I want to do is live with a prudish girl. She must be uninhibited. Once we have it narrowed down, let’s have the final candidate join you and me in a threesome. She must rock both our worlds before we let her sub-let.
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