Older Men Re-do

Okay, well all I can say is that I WAS WRONG! I thought that my experience with Luca, my first older man over 40, that all men needed a little pill! Mr. Smith sure proved me wrong. Mr. Smith happens to be my next door neighbor and also the father in law to one of my really good friends. I have always thought that he was good looking. Had this crazy school girl crush on him. You know the type of crush that a young girl would have on her teacher. I always had all these naughty thoughts but I never thought that I would ever get the chance to be with him. I was wrong again! Seems that I have been wrong about so many things. Mr. Smith sure rocked my world at his BBQ. I got drunk but that doesn’t mean I don’t remember what happened between the two of us. My only hope is that it will happen again, and again! It was the best experience I have had! I can’t wait to try out more older men!

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