It’s Friday night and the girls and I decided to have a little entertainment before hitting the town. Well I invited one of my favorite pets over who shall go by PB (PILLOW BOY). Well PB’s purpose is to entertain me in anyway possible. Well the reason for that is the first time I saw PB naked I knew that he would not be able to satisfy me sexually because his little dick is only like 2.5 inches. How pathetic is that. Well I told him I had no use for him after I saw that and he got down on his knees and begged for me to keep him around and promised me that he would be very useful. So I agreed I mean what more could I say to a 28 year old virgin. I told him I would keep him as long as he would follow all my instructions and that I would from now on be his purpose for living. Well anyway back to the story tonight I made him strip for me and my gfs while he was on his knees dancing…they all got a kick out of how little his dick was. Then I made him do a magic trick, make his dick disappear by wrapping his hand around it. Yup that’s how small it is. So then I noticed that it was getting hard from all eyes on him. I knew he wanted to feel something nice and wet, so I went and got my tube of ky jelly and made a nice little puddle on the floor for him to fuck of course while we watched. (GIGGLES) It was so funny and then he started to get all teary eyed and talked about how much it hurt and he thought for once that I would let him feel something soft and wet. DING the bell went off in my head, I had my best friend run to my bedroom and grab a pillow. I lubed that pillow up and we watched him cum right in the pillow as if it was a nice wet warm pussy. How pathetic was that. He is such a loser my PB. Well anyway what can I say I just have that effect on some guys. I am now taking applications for worthless little losers I mean a girl can never have enough servants. So if you want someone to be in total control ring my line, but you better be on your knees and begging.