Voluptuous Beauty

I guess you can say some guys have an obsession with my tits. A new guy that I’ve been fucking can’t keep his hands off me. All he wants to do is squeeze these beauties and slide his cock between them. He makes me look straight up at him with that slutty fuck me look and tells me to lick my plump lips. He’s told me a few times that my tits have gotten him off more than being inside of me. Hes so infatuated with taking the head of his cock  and rubbing it all over my nipples until he is nice and hard. The last time we played around I squirted my juices by just feeling his warm jizz covering my tits. He took me by surprise when he kissed down my neck to my cum covered tits. His tongue circling around my nipples sucking and tugging. Cleaning up his cum not leaving a single drop. I had no idea he craved the taste of cum as much as I do.
Do you think you have a hot, creamy load that can satisfy these beauties?



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