I decided to take the front seat in class this semester. When I came face to face with my professor, I almost melted. He was really hot. I studied his physique, from his handsome face, all the way down to the obviously well hung package. He seemed to stand in front of my desk a lot, which I loved! I was in reach of his manhood. All I could do was lick my lips and drift off in my own fantasy land. I couldn’t help myself from being a little tease.
I raised my hand asking question after question. I opened my legs up to give him a glance at my sweet little pussy. I take my hands sliding them down, rubbing my inner thighs. I got his full attention now.
After class, my professor asked if I was interested in some extra help preparing for the upcoming test. I was so going to ace this test along with some of my own naughty, twisted fun.
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