Tell me what you would do for me? I know that I would do fucking nothing for you unless I had something to gain. I watched Penny Dreadful last night and got fucking hot and wet watching a lovely woman choke a man to death as she rode him. Well I can’t say you would be lucky enough to get my pussy while I choked you.
The more he thrashed around, the more excited I got. Her beautiful pale, cold powerful hand taking his life as she came all over his worthless cock. I don’t look that strong, do I? You would be surprised what I do in a wild sexual frenzy.
If you don’t want to be snuffed out while I ride you, letting you in my tight, silky pussy, then bring me a present. Something sweet, fresh and fuckable. What do you get in return? Nothing but my scorn for being too much of a little cunt to let me abuse you. My sissy boi’s would do anything for me. Are you really a sissy boi in hiding. Call me so we can figure that out.
Perfectly Evil Malaya
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