Golden Nectar


There I was with you on your knees right in front of me.  At that moment, I could decide to do a variety of things. However, it dawned on me that right then at that very moment there was one thing I wanted to do more than anything. Your mouth was eagerly open, your tongue sticking out, and of all of the thoughts I could have, there was definitely one thing I had in mind.

I need to piss and your tongue was looking like the perfect perch for my pussy to pop a squat on. Perhaps it might not be very lady like to just pop a squat on some guys face but I have never claimed to be a lady. Pissing all over your face and in your mouth is what I want to do, and I’m infamous for doing exactly what comes to mind.

So as you are there eagerly looking up at me with your tongue protruding from your mouth like a little puppy dog, I do exactly what I want to do. I straddle your face and relax my pussy muscles as a stream of hot yellow piss releases to find its way splattering all over your face. Instantly, your new favorite thing is my sweet golden nectar.

Written By: Sadie
Call Sadie @1-866-995-4747
Email: AOL/Yahoo-sinfullysadie



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