Girl Next Door

I’m the girl next door.  The girl you grew up next too. We’ve had an incredibly good friendship for several years. However, for some reason you were always too shy to approach me in any kind of romantic or sexual way. You thought I was too beautiful. Perhaps, you thought I wasn’t interested because I always seemed to have a long line of boys asking me out.

What you don’t know is that for all these years I’ve had the hots for you. I would lay in my room late at night, knowing you’re next door so close, yet so far away.

I played with my pussy tonight while thinking of how hot you looked today when you waved at me as I was pulling out to head to the store. 

Well today it’s time for the wondering to end. The girl next door is coming for a visit!


 Written By: Ginger
Call Ginger @ 1-888-872-9195


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