Erotic Enema Phone Sex

Hey! You looking for an anything goes girl that’s into erotic enemas. I have always been turned on by enema’s from an early age. My mom used to give them to me when I was a kid. And when I started puberty it felt so good that after I expelled the warm soapy from the enema my mom gave me I would masturbate and cum so hard. So, now I have used enemas as part of my sex life. I will tell you about my erotic enema tales or we can role-play and have a enema sex fest. I will give myself an enema while we talk dirty to each other over the phone. I cum hard when I fill my rectum and then masturbate with my favorite dildo and when I cum I release the fluid and it turns my orgasm into an incredible orgasm. I’ll have the douche bag waiting and all you gotta do is pick up the phone.



14 Responses to “Erotic Enema Phone Sex”

  • Bianca – Do you give enemas over the phone? I am a novice, but am interested.

  • Dear Bianca ! am an 80 year old man and have always had a great desire to have enemas. To me the enema is a very powerful sexual tool. I do have somewhat of a hate love relationship with enemas.I both fear them AND THEY MAKE ME EXSTATIC at the same time.I like gentleness and reassurance at the same time.I would like you to be erotic with me and give me a big enema while making me feel safe with you.I would like you to mother me through it.I like the soft easy touch.A big thing thing with me is anticipation. thanks Jim

  • Dear Bianca,
    Please clarify what is immoderation.I don’t know how I can express myself and meet your moderation standard especially when I have no idea what you mean. Jim

  • Dear Bianca
    I enjoyed my session with you this evening.Your dialog was really so professional and you engaged me with sensitivity and grace.Your role playing wonderfully done and you showed me solid human respect.One could could not expect more from a highly skilled geriatric person.Thank you very much for our session.Yours with great affection.Jim

  • Dear Bianca,
    I discovered that the gift(enema) is not as meaningful as the giver(Bianca) I could almost see myself taking you out to dinner/dance and then later sitting by firelight and listening to soft music.Just fantasy of course.Since I can’t turn the clock back Ronald Colemans elan would be nice to have.Warmest wishes Jim

  • Dear Bianca,
    Just waned to say hello.I must say you have really inspired me.In surfing the web I came upon some artifacts of Greek antiquity.I found this company with a Greek name called Klystra.I decided to be bold and I bought some equipment from them.As you probably know this company’s name is an old word for enema.Maybe in the future I will challenge you to a contest especially if I start feeling younger than my real age.With this I leave you with the inverted admonition “Be Good”. I wish you best of the best. Jim

  • My, my, my, dear miss Bianca,
    My German friend just up and disappeared.My friend and I were talking earlier and he told me that he would like to write to you too, but would feel more comfortable writing in his native language.Well maybe he will show up again sometime. Anyway, an old friend Mrs. Clitoris speculated that he went down your Venus Mt. to visit lovely countess Vagina and was captured by her.If he is a prisoner maybe we can induce the countess to unwittingly flush him out with a large vinegar douche.Hope this works. L-O-V-E Jim

  • Dear Bianca,
    The ball is indeed in my court and I am not sure how to play it.I am hoping I can get some help from her Ladyship as soon as she arrives.Rectally yours, mr.9just call me) Jim w love. cc: Lady Klystra.

  • Dearest Bianca,
    What can I say;what can I do.All day long I’ve been so blue and have thought of you the whole day through.Sometimes I think I just rather kiss her than submit to her for an erotic clyster.In the end I must make a confession that there is nothing much better than an enema lesson.Internally yours, Jim

  • Oh my dear Bianca,
    What a great session with you, though the enema got the best of me.Maybe I just need more training.However the whole thing about anal play more than compensated.You came across as being so warm and cuddly.I wish I could have your warm body up against me all night.I would just love it if I could hold you and kiss you to my hearts desire.Your volluptous breasts seem so inviting to me. I’ll miss you when you’re gone. My flame won’t go out. Jim

  • My dearest Bianca,
    I will miss you while you are away. In fact I will think about you every day.Something is beginning to happen to me and it makes me a bit apprensive.When we first connected, I thought it was all about enemas but the spirit that moves me does’nt just move my bowels.It is a spirit that has captivated my mind,heart and soul.Although enemas excite me,it is you dear Bianca who excites me more.I want to love again and I am afraid to love again.I feel you entertwining with me and playing upon my heart strings.What can I do !

  • Dear wonderful lovely Bianca,
    I just love that little love spot above upper lip on the left.I would like to wet it with my tongue.Also I would like to use my tongue in many other ways.Oh,oh, oh, I feel like I am drawn into the vortex of a whirlpool and right into your arms.What a beautiful regressive aspect this situation would be.Let the anal games begin!!!!Jim PS we rescued the German guy he will write to you soon. I could translate. Again hugs and kisses Jim

  • LIEBE Bianca!
    Ich bin aber froh zu erwaehnen, dass die Countess Vagina hatte mich entlassen muessen,einen heftigen einlauf bekommen hatte.Ich kann sie ueberhaupt nicht beleiden weil sie wirklich verdient hatte. In der Tat Hatte sie mich als Gefangener festgehalten.Ich wollte nur kurze Weile bei ihr als Gast bleiben.Hoffentlich werden schoenere Tage vor uns da sein.Ihnen sei Ehre. Heinrich

  • Dearest Bianca,
    Joergi sends deepest heart felt thanks that he is now free and hopes in the future to develop a gentleman’s relation with you.I told him he had better work hard on speaking english. Hearty greetings-Jim

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