Author Archive for Delaney

I Want You


                  I always get what I want, and I want one of my teachers. I’ve tried all sorts of subtle things, but nothing has worked yet. Maybe it’s time to be bold!

                                I failed my exam on purpose just for a chance to be alone and to flirt. I tried to be coy, I really did. That got me nowhere. He did make an appointment for the next day. This is what I did.

I got to his office before he did and I picked the lock on his door. I took of all my clothes but my panties.

When he arrived for our appointment, he found me sitting on his desk with nothing but a smile and my panties. 

Think you could resist me? 


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337



Daddy Pays For Sex

   I used to think when I caught daddy with my frilly, pretty lingerie that he just wanted to smell them. I’m used to naughty men so it wouldn’t have been a surprise. Well last night, I found the truth. 

Daddy knew he was alone because I was on a date. He even encourages me to go out with cute boys from school. My date didn’t go too well and I came home. I saw a light in my bedroom and everyone knows my room is off limits.

I couldn’t believe my eyes! Daddy was dancing to Taylor Swift wearing not only my panties, but my makeup. He didn’t see me watching, but he was pinching his nipples and sucking on my big, black dildo. My panties weren’t around his cock like I would have imagined. In fact, where is daddy’s cock? 

He finally saw me watching at my door. He looked totally embarrassed. I smiled and told daddy not to worry. I then had an idea, a very profitable one. I promised daddy I would set him up with my dates for a fee!


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337



Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays and all the stuff. I have some very special gifts for all my favorite men. Can you guess what it is? 

I know one special person who loves me to drip hot, sticky cum into his hungry mouth. It’s the time of giving after all, so it needs to be special. Get on your knees and tilt your head back. I’m doing my own version of a snowball. Dripping hot cum right into your mouth from my hot pussy.  Drink it up!

I have another naughty boy who loves to lick me clean from my face all the way down to my dirty little feet. I do walk barefoot a lot. 

Then there is the dirtiest, naughtiest boys of them all. You know who you are. Suck on my dirty dildo for a treat. You never know just where it has been.

My bathroom is rather cold today and so is my toilet seat. You certainly don’t expect my perfect, pale, round ass to sit on a cold toilet seat? Of course, you don’t.


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337


Our Dirty Little Secret

You wish you had the urge for a hot little girl like me but I’m too old for your sexual tastes. What you want is sleeping soundly in her cute little bedroom.

We go back and forth on the phone for awhile with your saying all the reasons you just can’t. You almost sound sincere. I’ve been down this road with so many men like you and you want to go in that pretty pink room and we both know you will.

 You begin to whisper to me and I can barely hear you as you open her door. You gasp as you watch her sleep.

This time things will be different. I coax you to take your daddy dick out and stroke it. It feels good to finally do it so close to her sweet face. I demand you get a cup from the kitchen. You’re confused but you do it because you want me to coax you to cum on her, make it all my fault. Not this time!

You’re cumming in the cup like a good boy. Drink! Yes, you heard me right, drink your own jizz. I mean, it is to hide the evidence of our secret!


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337



Bite Me

  I have this fantasy and I’ve had it since I was just a tiny little girl. I am older but always wearing my white, sheer, baby doll nightie. I was wondering if you would enjoy it with me? 

It will make me excited and I hope you won’t mind if I’m a bit loud.  With Halloween almost here, who doesn’t enjoy a vampire fantasy? My pussy is already wet just thinking about it.

   You’re my tall, hot daddy, but I haven’t seen you in many years. Mommy thought you ran away to someplace exotic, but the truth was you died in a boat wreck. I miss you daddy!

  I hear a thump on my window and I see someone in the dark shadows. I close my eyes tightly in hopes the shadowy figure will go away. Instead I feel a cold tongue on my neck. He’s now biting and licking down my back to my perfect little ass and long legs. I must have mumbled “oh daddy”, as he worked his way down my tender body

  I could feel daddy against my leg. He was so hard and not just big, but huge. He was also so very cold. I’ve never felt anything so intense as daddy fucked me over and over again. 

After I came, I opened my eyes and daddy was gone.


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337



Roller Girl

            My friends and I were bored and were going through my dad’s dvd collection. He had a whole book case full with dvd’s on every shelf. Some looked homemade and some looked purchased. We were about to look through those, when one caught my eye. It was called Boogie Nights and it had porn star who always wore skates. That’s could have been me, I love skating!

                We smoked some of daddy’s weed that we found and settled in to watch Boogie Nights. It was okay and all but super tame. We did find more to watch, some personal porn of daddy’s. Let’s talk about that another time. If you call me, I’ll spill all the private dvd details.

It did get me to thinking about my Halloween costume. I have a very special private party to attend with the men so much older than me. It helps having an older and wild sister. She knows several important people and one claims he is a porn producer. 

In case you haven’t guessed yet, and the blood has gone from your brain to your cock, I’m going as Roller Girl, and plan on sucking cock until I have a movie deal.

Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337



Delaney Is Daddy’s Little Doll


I have early release at school because I have a job at my daddy’s office. I work in the mailroom. I know it sounds so fucking boring, but trust me, it isn’t!  It isn’t always about email, since people get packages and sometimes secret things. The mailroom is actually crazy busy.

                          The mailroom is where a girl can learn about secret affairs and certain very naughty predilections.  Did you know many people have their “secret” items sent here to the office?

I’ve always wondered about my own daddy. I mean, what are his kinks? Could I find out enough so I won’t have to work this stupid job? 

                       I saw a super big box and I wondered what was in it? I quickly, but carefully opened the package. It’s a huge sex doll. I removed all the packaging to take a good look. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?  The doll is my image. 

Poor daddy, but I wonder why he doesn’t know he could have the real thing. Not a fake me, but a real Delaney. 


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337



Go Fuck Yourself!

              That wasn’t very nice of me, now was it? Actually, it was very nice of me!  You woke up just thinking about our last time together. I put so many ideas in your horny head. 

  You had me and my sexy girl cock, but that was just on the phone. I know when we play you actually can feel me there, but I also know you aren’t doing what you’re told. I’m a kind Mistress but when I demand you smack your balls, I want to HEAR it! I want to hear your yelp when you pinch the fuck out of your nipples. 

     Easy enough, right? What isn’t easy is you doing what you really need. Silly man, buy your toy online. Use a gift card, use a girl’s name. Easy! Once you have your toy, I promise you’ll cum harder than you could imagine.

  Don’t be shy. Start with a wet finger. Slowly slide it in. Now, squeeze on your finger and tell me that doesn’t feel amazing. 

Now, you have your girl cock in your hand. Call me, lube me up, and gently slide me in. 


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337


Horny Girl Teases Men



I’ve always been told I’m a huge flirt. I’ve also been told that at times I take it way too far! I learned from the best watching one of my neighbors.

Men and even boys just loved her. They were always making excuses to cut her lawn, bring in her groceries, and they even would hang around her open window just hoping to get a peek inside her bedroom.

I loved all the attention she was getting, so I decided I wanted some of her action.  I started small, as I was a little scared to do it.  I knew the FedEx man was coming so I began to undress with my front door open. Did he ever get an eyeful. I did that several times for anyone coming to my house. It was fun and all but I could do more.

There’s lots of horny, hot guys at the mall so, why not?  I put my private school uniform back on, and I took off my panties. My skirt wasn’t really short enough to give the men a show, so I pulled it up from the waist. Much better.

Once I got to the mall, I got myself a strawberry ice cream cone.  Going up the elevator, I made contact with a man going down. Giggles. I wonder if he wanted a taste of my ice cream?



Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337


Delaney’s Special Massage



   I’m a very busy girl between work and school, so sometimes I just feel exhausted. My daddy always laughs at that, saying I’m much too young to be so tired. If daddy only knew the things I get up too. 

My whole body was sore from gymnastics and I really needed a long massage. There is this place on Elm that advertises massages. It’s a seedy looking place, so maybe they don’t charge too much?

It didn’t seem too busy and for some reason, the massage therapists were all mostly ladies in sexy clothes.  I however; went for the man with the big hands. 

I’m not at all shy so I quickly removed my clothes and laid on the table. The hot oil and his strong hands soon at me completely relaxed. Maybe a little too relaxed. He laughed when I let out a big fart. He explained it was normal and natural. So, I let out another, and then another.

I was so relaxed, I just closed my eyes without anymore worry. His hands were working their way down to my oiled ass cheeks. Then though, I felt something else. A warm tongue was licking up my ass crack, then sliding in and tongue fucking me. Maybe I was a little too relaxed because all of a sudden. Oops! 


Written By: Delaney
Call  Delaney @ 1-888-566-2337