You Will Never Measure Up To My Standards

Do you honestly think a girl like me would like a small penis? The funny thing is little dick losers love to call me. They like when I ridicule their manhood, and they quickly realize I never hold back.

They love when I tell them about my sex life. I tell them about some of my fuck buddies I see on a regular basis. It all kind of made sense when my callers would start asking me questions about what size cocks I preferred. They wanted to know how big they are. They asked about exact measurements, how big are their balls, and how good it felt when they gave me a hard pounding.

It’s funny to me because I can hear them stroking their tiny pencil dicks when I gave them the juicy details. They only wished they could satisfy a girl like me, but we both know it will never happen. Keep rubbing that tiny clit of yours because I’m a size queen and you’ll never measure up to my standards.


Written By: Dakota
Call  Dakota @ 1-866-591-0847



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