How does this happen, one would ask? It’s simple really. I had a guy call me and told me he wanted Small Penis Humiliation Phone Sex. That’s one of my specialties, so as you could imagine, I was thrilled to humiliate and degrade him to the fullest.
He sent me a picture and I was a bit taken back. Normally, when I get pictures of small dicks, they’re small to average size. Nothing I would fuck, of course. When I saw the picture, for the first time, I was lost for words.
It was the tiniest dick I’ve ever seen, and I have seen a lot!
I had so many questions for him. I didn’t ask the obvious because there is no way he could ever had sex in his life. I wanted to know how he masturbates, ect.
After laughing, degrading, and humiliating him, it was time for the serious talk. I told him there was another option for him. I said it would be a great honor if I could walk him through castration. He knows how useless it is, and it just would be so freeing to get rid of that thing between his legs. After 30 minutes of trying to convey him, he knew it was the best thing to do.
I watched him on Skype as we picked the sharpest knife he had in his house. We started with his tiny balls. He took the hunting knife and starting sawing his balls off. I was really enjoying the show, so much in fact that I was fingering my pussy.
After his balls fell on the laminate kitchen floor, it was time for the main event. His penis was useless for him and to everyone else. It needed to go.
As I instructed him, I was fingering my cunt so hard. After his penis fell to the floor, and saw the blood everywhere, I had one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had. Thank you for that.
Sometimes my everyday calls can turn into one of the greatest calls ever.