I know your there surfing the web looking at pictures of girls you will never have. You sit in front of your computer and stroke your cock looking at girls like me. My name is Heaven and you see me with my legs spread wide and Heaven is all you can think about. Fucking me.
You know your pathetic small cock would never do anything for me or any woman for the matter of fact. That’s why you sit there alone in front of the computer looking at my pictures reading the words I typed and you know I am talking to you- Your a small dicked loser and the humiliation of it makes you want me more.
Get up your nerve and dial my number 866-949-9734 You know buying my time with your credit card is the only way your going to get a girl like me to spend any time with you. That’s right! Your such a loser you have to pay for phone sex and even then I just laugh in your pathetic face insulting you, humiliating you over your tiny little cock. You whine and thank me for putting you in your place. Are you ready? Don’t keep me waiting.
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