Tag Archive for 'first time'

My first time…

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was only 15 years old but already a women. It wasnt the first time we had exchanged looks over the dining room table or the first time I “accidentally” let my towel drop to the floor in front of you. It definitely wasn’t the first time I found myself in awe of your presence nor will it have been the last time. But that night was different. You had always been there for me. You coddled me through break ups and bullies, through skinned knees and tears yet here we sit. I have never known love and pleasure could exist as one. By the end of the night I would have discovered that not only can they co-exist but they are the bases for an exceptional orgasm. Where love meets lust that area in between is nirvana. It was a night like any other. SHE was working late as usually so we were left to fend for ourselves in the kitchen. I had been working on my grandmas famous meatballs when our eyes met. I have looked into your big brown eyes on so many other occasions but this time was different. This time you looked through me. Into the very debts of my soul and found my secret. Once the balls were safely in the oven I came over to living room and sat down beside him.  I grabbed the blanket that drapes across the sofa and covered myself because as it usually is was freezing in the living room. Before I even realized what I was doing I was all nuzzled up with him watching a movie. Not really sure what movie to be honest because I wasn’t paying any attention to it. For some reason I just kept thinking about him. What he must be thinking about right about now. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in closer. I guess he figured that I had to be freezing since my teeth were chattering. As he began rubbing my arms I instantly became excited. I had already been to second base with Johnny but I had not felt the swarm of new butterflies in my stomach the way I was at that very moment.  And all this from an arm rub. My mind began to wonder and I envisioned him leaning over and kissing my lips passionately exchanging moments of bitter sweet ecstasy.  Taking my tiny little breast in your big manly hands and cupping them. My nipples instantly hardened that thought and I found myself touching them with my fingers. They were harder then they had ever been before I wanted him to suck and bite them. I wanted to feel his full beard on my bare breast. I wanted to feel him ALL of him inside of me!

To be continued…Stay tuned….for more of my first time confessions!

Looking Back on my Firsts- Part 2

 So last time I blogged I wrote about my first time masturbating… this time I will write about my first time getting to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base. 

My first kiss.. let’s see.  My very first was when I was 8, the boy next door kissed me right on the mouth as we were playing super heroes.  I thought it was gross.  My first real kiss actually wound up being the same boy.  We were 16 and he had figured out that I was starting to get curves.  He took me out behind his house and pushed me against a tree and kissed me.  His tongue darted in and out of my mouth, very inexpertly.  Looking back it was super sloppy!  I am pretty sure his tongue went all over the place… but at the time, it was kind of nice.

It was that same night that my tits first got felt.  Neighbor awkwardly shoved his hands under my shirt to feel them.  I wasn’t wearing a bra (rarely did in those days) and he felt my breasts and my nipples hardened.  I could feel my pussy getting wet as he touched me.  His fingers worked my nipples, tweaking them and finally put them in his mouth.  I moaned outloud.  I swore my parents could hear us.. but they didn’t stop us.

It was a few days later that the neighbor and I met again.  This time we went into his basement.  There was this old cot down there and we wound up making out for like an hour at a time.  One thing lead to another and soon his fingers were feeling my little pussy and stroking my clit!  It felt SOOOOO good.  I was moaning and trying to free his cock from his jeans.  Finally I got it out and I was jerking his cock nice and quick in my little hand… my thoughts wondering what it would feel like if that cock were inside of my dripping pussy.  I was just about to suggest it when the door to the basement opened and his mother came in.  We scrambled to get our clothes on, but we were a little too slow.  Man was she pissed!!!  She told me to get out right away and I ran like a bat out of hell.  I was praying like hell she didn’t call my parents. 

As you can see… a lot of my firsts were kind of a mess.  Will you be the one to give me my future, better experiences?  Come on and let’s explore together. You can play with me at any age, I love roleplays!