I think I am in fucking love. Well no not really you dumb twat but I am in love with what I can make men do for me. A man called me wanting to partake of my delicious piss so I began to go into the fantasy with him. WAIT! He actually had the cajones to stop me in mid sentence. I was about to hang up till be politely began to explain.
He said since he wasn’t lucky enough to have the real thing he would play in his own piss to show his loyalty. Loyalty is a must if you want to play with moi. He had some “white” and a lot of booze. Que’ Divertido! Why am I typing in different languages? I have no idea really, maybe I was playing with an innubus last night.
He had a few games another Mistress (yawns) made him play but I had better ones. First, I made him fill a glass with piss and one with whiskey and close his eyes and do sort of a magic trick till he had no idea which was which. Then I made him drink. What I neglected to tell him was either way he would be drinking his stinky piss. Once we played that game for a bit, I made him pour a whole bowl of piss on his head. Can you imagine his piss dripping down his face neck, back and such.
Now at this point, 2 hours had passed and he was coked up and drunk and I had one more evil request. He wasn’t into ass play or enemas but well you know Puta I am! I had him grab a turkey baster, fill it with his rancid piss and fill his ass with it. I would have stuck around. STFU, no way I wanted to hear that mess. So I left him to his enema.
Deviant Bitch Malaya
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