Well hello, Your naughty little girl Raemi here! Looking forward to sharing some stories that might just make you..-twirls a finger in her hair-oh, I don’t know..maybe a bit hot and bothered? So, over the summer I was working at a hotel for extra funds for school this fall. I met this sexy little waiter there and it became a game for us to pick and choose which rooms in the hotel were vacant or not for us to spend our lunch hour together in. Well, my hot little hottie set up a nice surprise for me by renting one of the rooms out for us and inviting a couple of his friends over to act like they had the room and catch us. Of course, I didn’t know this at the time and right as he had his face between my thighs and I was whimpering for him to lick me in just the right spot, I felt hands come over my breasts and his friends joined in the fun! Oh my, I never been so damn stuffed. My ass, my pussy, my mouth…they used all of me. It was a hell of a weekend and this is far from the last of my stories I will be sharing. Kisses!
Your Naughty Tinkerbelle,
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